Blindreason product concept movies
Year Produced
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The Gift of the Magi
Consideration and devotion is as strong as an innumerably tempered shield. Jim and Della’s love will be sound under their tempered shield.
The Beginning
Thou shalt not be upset by one’s flaws. Do not obliterate that in the beginning we were one.
Peas & Carrots
Jenny: I’m Jenny
Forrest: I’m Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump.
Forrest: From that day on, we were always together. Jenny and me were like peas and carrots.
Forrest Gump. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Paramount Pictures, 1994.-
Live Love
At this very moment one’s heart must palpitate. Love and life be strongly beating and fearlessly expressing.
The Lemniscates
Time is given equal to all. Faithfully living one’s life, a day will come when one shall win infinite time.
The Cupid’s Arrow
‘The moment’ is remembered by the heart not by the mind. It is thrilling, powerful and aching. Even a faded scar can be divine.
The Moon
The true nature of existence cannot be solitary. Light exists on account of the darkness and the dark on account of the light.
The state of equilibrium is ideal. Yet, it is the undergoing of harmonization that makes one valuable and beautiful.